Hump Day

Hi Friends! Sorry for the lack of posting, but hoping to get back on track. We know you’ve missed us! Actually you probably haven’t but we’ll go with you have 🙂 It makes me feel better.

We just got back from the BEST EVER trip to Napa. If you’ve never been, you must go! Napa recaps coming at you next week. Until then, I’ll leave you with this pic of our group. It’s snowing in Park City today (again) so if I turn up missing, I’m likely hitchhiking right back to this spot.


Having wine everyday beginning at 10am was AMAZING…however, it’s time to get my ass back in gear. Here’s a quick little workout that I did this morning and I’m feeling better already. Do yourself a favor and get moving.

5 Rounds

20 Step Up Knee Ups (step up on anything…the opposite knee is coming up)

20 Tricep Dips (again, on anything…chair, bench, fireplace)

20 Squat Jumps

20 Burpees

And you’re done. Feel free to slay the day.

And here’s a quick dinner recipe for you…everyone in your family will love this and it couldn’t be easier. Pork Chops with Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes and Salad! IMG_8943

For the Pork Chops, I ALWAYS use a Sous Vide. Always. It makes cooking meat a total no brainer and everything always comes out perfect. For the pork chops, I throw them in a gallon zip lock bag with 1/4 cup lemon juice, 2 TBSP Veg Oil, 4 garlic cloves, a tsp salt, &  1/4 tsp of oregano and pepper. I take that bag, and put in a large stock pot, and submerge…submerge the bag into the water to get all the air out of the baggie. Seal it. Put the Sous Vide in the water and set temp to 140 degrees. This can sit like this anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. Maybe more. When ready to eat, throw in a pan with olive oil to just sear the outside. They are fully cooked, they just need some color. When these have like an hour to go, I throw some cauliflower in a pot and boil. When done, I throw the cauliflower in my food processor and process until they look like mashed potatoes. Season with salt (a lot), pepper, and garlic powder. Then just add a bag salad and dinner is served.

Hope you’re all having a fab week! Coming back to reality after Napa is hard y’all. I did learn one thing…my day is exponentially better if it starts with a wine tasting. Maybe we should all incorporate this into our daily routine. It might make things like swing pushing and doll playing slightly more tolerable. Slightly.


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