Five on Friday (Easter Edition)

Happy Friday Babes! This post is gonna be short and sweet cause Mama has 10 million things to do. This post is all about Easter, mostly because I keep forgetting it’s coming up and maybe this will motivate me to get Easter stuff done. Just another thing to add to my ever growing TO DO list.


Easter will be here before we know it. Do your kids have Easter baskets…not those piece of shit ones from Target that get thrown away year after year…good ones? Macale and I both ordered THESE a few years back and I couldn’t recommend them enough. Sooo cute, even several years later.


Personalized Easter Basket

I also really love this one.


Bunny Personalized Easter Basket

Don’t be a slacker and order one in time for Easter.


Speaking of Easter and needing to be on the ball, THESE BUNNIES from the same company as the baskets are the perfect Easter basket filler. Both of my girls have them and I love that they’re personalized on the ear. There has never been one fight over whose bunny is whose which makes them my favorite stuffed animal we own. Plus they are Jellycats, the best stuffed animals EVER.


Monogram Bunny


And if your kids are anything like ours, they love to dress the occasion, for any occasion. I hate spending a ton of money on holiday themed clothes so if possible, I like to buy this stuff from a little secret place I like to call How cute are these bunny dresses? Bonus, they come in big enough sizes for both my girls so my matching obsession continues! Plus these are all $15 or less. #WINNING


Turquoise/Pink Bunny Dress


Navy/Pink Bunny Dress


Stripe Bunny Dress


Bunny Ears. Every year I buy them. My kids wear them into the ground and we always need a new pair. I saw these at Target and they are the BEST bunny ears ever. We need them in ALL.THE.COLORS. And you probably do too.


Yellow Bunny Ears


Turquoise Bunny Ears


Pink Bunny Ears



Reese’s White Chocolate Eggs

And because Easter just wouldn’t be Easter without plowing thru 10 a pack of these all on my own with a glass of white wine…this is the kind of stuff dreams are made of.

Happy Friday Friends! We made it. My kids are out of school next week for Spring Break so we’re pulling out our camper and heading South for a few days. Can’t wait for some outside adventures and most importantly, day drinking! Peace Out.

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