Move Your A$$ (on Tuesday)

I always say, NEVER MISS A MONDAY. Well I missed Monday. So you know what I always say…NEVER MISS A TUESDAY.

To all 4 of our loyal readers (Hi, Dad), sorry for the lack of posting. Macale and I have both been working on getting our real estate license. Macale got knocked up (again), is trying to move, had her car broken into, phone broken…I think we can stop there. For me, well the classes, the kids, 2 jobs and a house that needs never ending cleaning just got the best of me. But, we’re back bitches. At least for today.

Here’s a workout for you. I did this last week while watching the first episode of the new season of Southern Charm. Shep…if you’re watching, I’m single married.  It was a great workout and I got caught up on my fav show. Winning.

EMOM (Every minute on the minute) for 30 minutes.

Even Minute: 10 Burpees

Odd Minute: Core Exercise

So basically, you are doing 15 rounds of 10 burpees and 15 rounds of core.

Examples of Core Exercises: Spidermans (knee to outside the elbows), regular sit ups, straight leg sit ups, plank, side plank, up down planks, bicycles, hip raises, scissor kicks, crunches, butterfly crunches, pulsing crunches…any type of core you love. I switched mine up, but you could totally do the same thing for every set.

And while we’re trying to get all healthy, here’s an easy recipe for you. Perfect for summer.



  • Salmon
  • Soyaki or Teriyaki Sauce
  • pineapple
  • sweet potatoes
  • asparagus
  • cauliflower rice
  • avocado

This looks complicated, but trust me, it’s so easy. First I cut up some sweet potatoes (with Olive oil, S&P) and get to roasting those in the oven at 425 degrees. For me I like them soft, so usually around 45 minutes. Then I throw the Salmon (marinated in Trader Joe’s Soyaki Sauce), pineapple (cut in rings) and asparagus on the grill. When the sweet potatoes have 20 minutes to go, I throw a bag of Trader Joes Cauliflower Rice in the oven with the potatoes, seasoned with Chili Lime Seasoning. Cut up some avocado. When everything’s done, assemble in bowl and devour. Seriously such a simple, delicious meal.

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday. Today is the hub’s Bday, so excuse me while I eat all the cheesecake and think about how healthy I’ll be on Wednesday.

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