Move your A$$ Monday

Happy Monday Friends! My kiddos were out of school all last week on Spring Break. We camped, we ate doritos, and donuts, and drank lots and lots of beer. Needless to say, I need to get back on track, both eating and exercising. Thats really the only good thing about Mondays…a new week, a fresh start. Let’s do this.


4 Rounds

100 Jump Ropes (if you don’t have a rope…pretend you do.

1 minute plank hold

30 Jumping Lunges

1 minute plank hold

50 High Knees

1 minute plank hold

30 Tuck Jumps

1 minute plank hold

And here’s an easy, healthy Trader Joes Meal for you. 3 ingredients. Couldn’t be easier.


I cook the cauliflower gnocchi in a skillet with a splash of olive oil until its done and a little crispy. Turn off the heat and add some pesto. You could totally do marinara sauce too. Serve with a bag of Caesar Salad and dinner is served. Trader Joes, what would I do without you??

Have a great week y’all!

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