Move Your A$$ Monday

Anyone else HATE this time change? It’s ruining my life. Here’s a workout for your Monday morning to hopefully make things mildly better.

Three Rounds

40 Jumping Squats

10 Burpees

20 Pushups

10 Burpees

40 Jumping Lunges

10 Burpees

20 Tricep Dips (on anything…think coffee table, chair, whatever you have)

10 Burpees


Make sure to give yourself a high five if you started that. And two if you finished.


And cause ain’t nobody got time for Mondays, here’s a quick recipe that everyone has time for. I buy the Chicken Coconut Curry from Costco and it just heats up in a pan, chicken is already included. So good and couldn’t be easier. I use frozen cauliflower rice and roast in the oven on a sheet pan with the broccoli. And that’s it. Healthy dinner is served.

Hope everyone has a good week. I have high hopes. Last week was NOT a good one for me. All Week. I thought Friday was gonna be a good day, had a girl’s day brunch planned while the kids were in school and Mimosas were involved. While making a salad to bring to said brunch, I chopped off a piece of my finger. Like the piece was on the cutting board. So yeah, Friday involved stitches. Not good. Spoiler Alert: I went to the brunch first and drank my EFFING MIMOSAS.


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