Five on Friday (St. Patty’s Edition)

I have always loved St. Patrick’s Day. Any day where day drinking is not only encouraged, but actually mandated, is my kind of day. Sidenote: Day drinking is my jam. If you don’t like to day drink, we can’t be friends. Ever. Like if the world was ending in 2 days, that’s what I’d choose to do tomorrow. That’s how I’d like to go out. So, in honor of one of my favorite holidays, let’s talk my favorite St. Patrick’s Day stuff I found while looking around. I don’t want to get pinched so I’ve already scooped some stuff up.


Most importantly, you need to wear green. Or you’ll get pinched. Or in my husband’s case at work, noticed…which is just as bad as pinched.


Lets Day Drink Shirt

This shirt is so cute and will keep those pesky leprechauns away. Not to be confused with your children. They’ll still bother you.


I’m Magical Tank

If you’re anything like me and work out in the morning and then you’re too lazy to actually change, this tank would be perfect. Plus it’s got a unicorn, a rainbow and a compliment about myself…all things I love.


Sassy Lassie Tank

Green, gold and can be in my mailbox in 2 days. Done and Done.


Shamrock Sweatshirt

While I do love all the shirts above, it’s COLD AF in Park City so a sweatshirt might be the ticket. With this shirt, I would def get less people asking me “where’s your sleeves” or “aren’t you cold?” or “you know it’s winter right?” These people need to mind their own effing business. I know it’s winter you douche bag.



Goodr Sunglasses

If you’ve never owned a pair of Goodr Sunglasses, stop what you’re doing and buy some. Now. They’re $25, polarized, don’t slip off my face when exercising, even under sweaty, humid conditions and the names of them are hysterical. Proof: These are called “Kiss Me, I’m Shitfaced.” The name is printed on the sunglasses and something about having profanities on my sunglasses just makes me smile. So whether you’re doing a St. Patty’s Run, day drinking at a parade or just wanting to look super cool, these are money. Plus there is a 97% chance that I’d lose my sunglasses on a day like St. Patty’s (booze) so the fact that these are only $25 makes it hurt a little less.



Brooks Running Shoes

My love for holiday themed gear runs deep. I go to a local HIIT Class and the girls that teach the classes have been rocking these all month. Each day I see them, they become less of a want and more of a need. Most years I do a Pub Run on St. Patty’s Day and these would be the most perfect ever running shoes for such an event.


Let’s say you’re boring and won’t be drinking all day. I did this when I was pregnant. You might want to make some food. I’m not typically a fan of Irish food, but over the years, there are 2 things I’ve made that always hit the spot, aren’t gross and are perfect for the holiday.


This Shepherd’s Pie from Iowa Girl Eats is easy and amazing. Want to make it low carb and healthier…sub out the mashed potatoes for cauliflower mashed potatoes. This will save you some calories for ALL.THE.BEER.


Chocolate Guinness Cake

It’s cake with beer in it and if you make this, everyone will want to be your friend. Proceed with caution. It’s delicious.


Additional things necessary to be festive AF. Because St. Patty’s Day would not be St. Patty’s Day without some cheap green crap that might as well be gold when you’re drunk.


Green Essie Nail Polish

Love Essie Nail Polish and this green would be perfect for me and my girls.


Shot Glass Necklaces

Enough said. People will fight over these.


Unicorn Headband

Because I’d be a shitty mom if I didn’t buy my kids something.


Shamrock Headbands

Well if I’m buying my kids a headband, I want one too. Again, these may look dumb now, but after a few drinks, you’ll want this. Trust me.


Well that’s it for today. St. Patty’s Day is next Sunday, so you have a weekend and next week to get your butt in gear. Also, this year St. Patty’s Day falls on a Sunday so NO EXCUSES PEOPLE. Drink your Irish Car Bomb, drink your green beer. We’re Americans. It’s what we do.

Peace out. Happy Friday.





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