Amazon Beauty Faves

I’m a sucker for cheap but LEGIT beauty finds! I like to scour the internet looking for new self tanners for my pasty legs, ways to hydrate my dry skin, and the brightest hot pink lip color I can find….that stays on after my 5th mimosa! Here are some of my top fave Amazon beauty products. Since you won’t be breaking the bank with these fab finds, the only thing you’ll be breaking is hearts with that matte lip gloss girrrrrrl!

First things first! If theres anything I can’t live without, its a good tan! Since I’m not a huge fan of laying out in the sun in 40 degree weather…OR in 100 degree weather for that matter (I’d rather be riding unicorn floats in the pool with my Corona in hand), I’ve always been addicted to self tanners. The problem? It’s extremely hard to find one that A. doesn’t streak and B. doesn’t smell like burnt a$$. This self tanner by Fake Bake is hands down the BEST self tanner I’ve ever used. It smells of pina colada filled coconuts on a white sandy beach! #goalsAF I use the Flawless Darker, but it comes in regular flawless as well if you have a lighter skin tone. It comes with a nice hand mitt so your hands don’t get all janky. All I do is spray the solution on the mitt, rub it in really well all over my body, and let it sit. I’m not sure how long it says to let it sit, but I’m one of those gross people that puts it on at night and sleeps in it! Judge away…my husband sure the hell does. BONUS: You can even put this stuff on your face and it won’t clog your pores. That’s coming from someone with some pretty obnoxiously sensitive skin! I feel like I just word vomitted, but you get the point. GO ORDER IT. NOW.

Next up is this Johnson’s shea & cocoa butter oil gel. Sounds gross? IT’S HEAVEN! I actually found out about this stuff via Lala on Vanderpump Rules. Don’t know who that is? We can’t be friends. I use this stuff every night before getting in bed for two things. 1. My décolleté: I really just wanted to use that word because it makes me feel fancy, but for reals, this stuff works like a charm! You don’t need to use much since it’s oil and spreads easily. I put it all over my chest and neck to keep the wrinkles away since I have a horrible habit of sleeping on my side and waking up with DEEP UGLY LINES all over my chest. Keeping it moisturized with this stuff has really cut down on the lines and I’m all about getting rid of the 90 year old chest look! 2. My dry a$$ hands: I’m not sure why, but I have dry man hands every day of my precious life. I take a tiny bit of this oil and use it as hand lotion and BOOM…soft and smooth as a baby’s bottom! This stuff smells DELISH and you can get a 2 pack on prime for about 14 bucks! DO ITTTTT!

On to this Mario Badescu facial spray! I LOOOOOOOVE this stuff! It’s like a cool drink of water for your face. They have a few different ones, but my favorite is the aloe, herbs, and rosewater spray. I like to spray this all over my face and neck before applying any other moisturizer or makeup. It helps revive your skin and instantly moisturizes. I also like to use this mid day to rejuvinate and give my skin that dewy look! It works great under and over makeup and you can use it as many times a day as you want! This is def a staple for me and I even have the travel size for on the go. Everywhere. Literally everywhere. This will run you anywhere from $7-$14 on prime depending on whether you get a 1 or 2 pack and the size bottle you get! Either way, it’s necessary!

Now for some makeup talk. I’m not your average girl when it comes to makeup. I’m either not wearing any, or I’m wearing something that feels like nothing! Like I said, my skin is super sensitive and I’m a weirdo about things on my face. Most of the time I will just throw on some bronzer and call it a day. But for other days when I need to step up my game (or I’m just trying to cover up some pimple action) I reach for this stuff! I came across this stuff while listening to a conversation I wasn’t invited to listen to. All I heard was moisturizer and anti-aging. SOLD. I quickly asked for the name and looked this stuff up on Amazon. Its called Satin Touch Mineral BB Cream by Bella Terra mineral cosmetics. It’s a 3-in-1 lightweight makeup good for moisturizing, concealing, and anti-aging! Welllllll YES PLEASE! I had to try it for myself because I have never been big on concealer, so honestly that word scared me. But I used this stuff once and I’ll never go back. It’s so lightweight and literally feels like you have nothing on your face but a good moisturizer. It doesn’t break the bank OR break me out, doesn’t look thick or caked on, and a little bit goes a lonnnnnng way so this stuff will last you forever! It comes in different shades so just look for the one thats best for your skin tone. I have to say, it’s a little on the pricey side coming in at close to $40, but I’m telling you it’s worth it! #noregrets

LAST, but definitely not least is this Revlon Matte Lipcolor. I.AM.OBSESSED. Ask anyone who knows me….I have a lipstick obsession! I’m not afraid to wear the brightest of pinks or the darkest of reds. It’s kind of my signature thing, but my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE lip color is HANDS DOWN this one by Revlon. I get compliments alllllllll the time and people asking me what color it is from “Mac.” Yeah no girl, it’s from Amazon and it’s under 6 bucks! Ya’ll, this stuff is AMAZING! It comes in so many great colors, including some legit nudes if that’s more your thing. The best part…it stays on allllllllll dayyyyyyy long. I kid you not, I can’t scrub this stuff off without a makeup wipe. I definitely make it through my fifth mimosa with zero probs! It’s also matte, so its not obnoxiously shiny! That’s a #WINNERWINNERCHICKENDINNER in my book! I’m gonna need you to go ahead and add to cart, ma’am.

That’s all for today folks! I’m sure I lose all credibility by telling you that I’m in fact NOT a makeup person, but if I am using it…it means it’s good sh!t y’all! Wishing you a fabulous day and here’s to your lip color making it through that fifth mimosa like a BOSS!

Amazon Hair Faves

I’m a blonde (#fakeAF) so naturally the products I use are geared towards trying to keep this fake blonde hair from turning the color of McDonald’s arches.  First on that list is my favorite purple shampoo! This stuff is NO JOKE. It works better than any toner anyone has ever put on my hair PLUS it lathers so well compared to most purple shampoos on the market that just make my hair feel gross. The BEST part…it’s about 10 bucks on prime! #WINNING

Next up on the list is this purple toning masque! This stuff alone is amazing, but paired with the Fanola shampoo listed above….F*CKING DREAMY! This stuff does the same thing by taking the obnoxious yellow out of your hair AND it conditions your hair and makes it feel soooooo soft which is basically unheard of when it comes to my mop. This is another must have that won’t break the bank. Get it on prime for under 16 buckaroos! (Excuse the destroyed bottle! I use this shit A LOT)

NOW, the next one…this HEAVEN SENT DRY SHAMPOO!!! If you’re like me, you wash your hair once  three to four times a week, and you LIVE for a good dry shampoo.  Believe me, with all of my working out and #momlife I got going on, mama has tried allllllll the dry shampoos.  This one by Moroccan Oil takes the cake! I get the one for “light tones” but they make one for “dark tones” as well. The light tones is a very light weight powder that helps to cover up those ugly roots and has a purple tent to it to freshen up your blonde on those dirty locks. It takes me from looking homeless to fab in a matter of seconds, gives my hair some body, and it smells AHHHHMAZZZINGG!!!!!!!!! It’s a tad more pricey than some, but WORTH.EVERY.PENNY. It runs you about $26 and of course, you can get this magic on Amazon. #duh

Next up…Do you need some major conditioning and a heat protector all at the same time? This It’s a 10 leave in conditioner is your new bestie! I literally use this every time I wash my hair (once a week) and it’s a definite game changer. It keeps the rat’s nest tamed, conditions my damaged AF hair, and keeps the dreaded frizz away. Whats not to love about that? This stuff can also get a little pricey, but if I’m spending my money on it, you know its worth it. I have the 10oz which will run you about $25, but the 4oz bottle is also on Amazon for under $15. Whatever tickles your fancy (that’s the weirdest freaking saying i’ve ever heard). #yourewelcome

For my final fave, this Aussie 3 Minute Miracle leave in conditioner is BOMB. If you haven’t noticed, I need all the conditioning I can get for my hay like hair.  I also try to refrain from drying and straightening it as much as I can so I don’t completely just fry it off and go bald like my husband (love you honey).  So for those days, I just wash it (with above shampoo and conditioner), spray it down (with above It’s a 10), and scrunch it with this stuff. Let it air dry and after its all said and done you’ve got yourself a frizz free homeless beachy look! Your hair will thank you for this one!

That’s all for my current fave Amazon hair products.  Hopefully you’ll try them out and love them as much as I do.  You know, unless you’re the girl that was born with naturally gorgeous locks…and then I hate you. Stay tuned for my fave Amazon beauty/skin products later this week! Til then, cheers!

Move Your A$$ Monday

It’s Monday and just like all Mondays, I’m regretting my decisions of unlimited margaritas, ice cream after dinner and generally sticking to no eating plan whatsoever. I mean, I’m the first person to promote “everything in moderation.” And I am a true believer. It just seems like I lack the moderation part. I’m either being good or I’ve fallen off a cliff. Oh well, that’s what Mondays are for I guess…it always feels good to start my week off right. So workout and low carb it is. And maybe only one margarita 🙂 #nopromises

The workout today is one of my favs. It’s called a Tabata workout. Basically, you work for 20 seconds, followed by a 10 second rest. You do this for 4 minutes, so basically you have 8 rounds of one exercise. Google “TABATA TIMER” and there are tons of free ones online that make this so easy. Here is one I use. Set the number of Tabatas to 5.


  1. Push-ups
  2. Burpees
  3. Bicycle Abs
  4. High Knees
  5. Mountain Climbers

So, just to be clear. You’ll start with pushups. Start your timer. You’ll do 20 seconds of pushups followed by 10 seconds of rest. You’ll do this 8 times total before moving on to Burpees. Make sense?

And here’s a low carb meal idea to start your week off right. I eat this at least once a week…sometimes more. It couldn’t be easier and it’s only a few ingredients.


Basically I roast some broccoli with a little olive oil, salt & pepper at 425 degrees for 20-25 minutes. While that’s cooking, I throw the Trader Joes Riced Cauliflower Stir Fry in a skillet and heat until warm. When it’s warm, I’ll sometimes add an egg and scramble, right in the same pan. If I need the protein, I’ll add some pre-cooked chicken, but it’s so good without too. Once broccoli is roasted, add. And that’s it. So good and so easy and such a healthy meal.

Here’s to a great week. My wishlist for this week includes workouts that kick my butt, kids that don’t whine, grocery stores to not be out of shit and a husband that comes home from work on time or early. Is that too much to ask world?


Five On Friday

This week has been a son of a bitch. I’m so happy it’s almost over. I know I must seem like a total complainer, and blah blah blah, I should be grateful for everything I have, but you know what, this week sucked and I’m not afraid to say it.



Lip Sleeping Mask

Nobody wants to kiss a girl with dry, scaly lips. Buy this mask if you want to avoid being THAT GIRL. I put it on before bed and ever since using it, my lips are like butter. I’ll never go without.


Anyone else love a good coffee mug? Sometimes they just say things I can’t. And they hold cups full of energy and deliciousness. Here are some favs. Try not to smile.

      Shuh Duh Fuh Cup Mug    Fox Mug

World’s Okayest Mom Mug    Shut Up Liver Mug

Fresh Mug   Just Kidding Mug


Macale and I both wanted our girl’s to share a room but didn’t want to take up too much space with beds…we wanted it to be a room for them to play not bother us. So naturally, we both thought bunk beds were a solution. But then I started envisioning one of them superman-ing off the top bunk or jumping their head into the ceiling fan, etc. It would happen. We also didn’t want to spend a bunch of cash and then 4 days later realize sharing a room was the worst idea ever. Very possible. So, after a trip to Ikea, a very patient husband, and some white paint, we have a very cute, very inexpensive, very low to the ground (Lincoln is on the ground) solution. We bought this one.


Ikea Bed

Here’s what it looked like painted white. Soooo cute. And mostly safe.



Speaking of home stuff, I was walking around the aisles of Target last week (when am I not?) and saw this wall canvas. It was begging for a spot in my house so in my basket it went. I LOVE it, and is very similar to one I’ve wanted for a long time from West Elm. And it’s a fraction of the price. What would I do without Target? Well aside from having a much larger bank account…


Wall Canvas

And because it’s Friday and Mama wants a DRANK, how cute are these? I’ll take one in each color. I don’t have room in a single cabinet for one, but I’m getting one anyway. Just think how much colder my champagne will stay…although it’s never in the cup for long. Oh well, it’s cute though. #thatswhatsimportant They’d also make a cute gift for a girlfriend in case you’re in one of those, WTF do I get her moments. As long as you have 2 days, you can have this.


Corkcicle Champagne Flute

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. It’s supposed to snow here, so if you need me, I’ll be sitting on my couch googling “how to move to hawaii.”

Life Sucks…Your Hair Doesn’t Have to

I’ve mentioned this before but God did not bless me with mermaid hair (still pissed about that). In fact, I got dealt a pretty shitty hand in the hair department. And just when I thought I had the worst hair ever, my kids came along and among other things they jacked up, my hair was one of them. I went thru crazy cycles of hair loss, got an autoimmune disorder, a thyroid problem…all of which helped to make my hair extra crappy. My hair is fine and thin, and even when my hair is long, my pony tail is pathetic.

Enter Hair Extensions.

Now at this point, I have tried various types. And I just want to say…if you’re thinking about it, do it. Give it a try. It’s an instant confidence booster and lord knows I’m always in need of that. Bad hair is just not good. I have always used Laced Hair Extensions. It’s all I have used so can’t really comment on other brands, but I will say I did my research and chose Laced b/c of the amazing reviews. I have never been disappointed in the quality and longevity of the hair.

My first type of hair extensiosn were clip ins. I bought Laced Hair Clip Ins. The color I bought was pretty close to my color so really all that needed to happen was a cut and a root smudge. And boom, long beautiful mermaid hair. It didn’t take long to get the hang of installing them either, but that was always the thing, it took time. Time is just something I don’t have these days. #thankskids One advantage of these is you can take them out every night which is definitely a pro for some people and a con for others. It is nice to sleep without extensions. Do these damage your hair? Nope.

So then I tried Tape In Extensions. Again I used these Laced Hair Tape Ins. While I initially loved these, that love quickly faded. Now I’m not saying people can’t pull them off…just I can’t. I know people that use them and love them. My hair is just too thin. When first installed, they looked great. 2 days later, without a stylist to do my hair, they started to awkwardly show. And the second my hair grew, they showed even more. And forget pulling your hair up in a pony tail…they show. There’s no way around it. Did they damage my hair? Nope. But they just didn’t work great for me.

So after the tape ins failed me, I went back to clip ins for a while. I’ve been hearing a bunch about hand tied wefts, which are supposedly the best option for fine, thin hair. I was intrigued but also scared to buy more hair and hate it. After a ton of research and hating my hair more than ever, I decided to give it a go. Why the hell not? I bought these and found a stylist that is a pro at installing them. Installation took a little over an hour. It was a little tight for a day or 2 but now I barely notice them. My scalp does get a little itchy, but it did with tape ins too, prob just from the extra weight and my dirty hair. The beautiful thing here is I barely even mess with my hair these days. The Laced Hair holds a curl so well, it will last days even after being in a sweaty pony. And speaking of pony…yes, I can do a high pony, a top knot, a braid…the extensions stay hidden. And even if they did show a little, I think most people would never notice. I’m hoping these extensions actually end up helping my natural hair, some time to grow without all the heat. If you’re in the Utah area, I went to Michele at Salon Couture. I highly recommend her. Here’s my before and after.


Note I have not colored these at all yet. This is the factory color which is a pretty damn good match. If you have any questions, shoot me an email, I’d be happy to talk extensions with you.

Hope you all have a great Thursday. I’ve made it this far…Friday (cocktail day) is just around the corner. And can’t come soon enough.

Graphic + Band Tees

A lot of you have asked (no one has asked) to show my favorite graphic tees. Well my favorite graphic tees are definitely band tees so that’s what we’re talking about today. Man, I love a soft, vintage looking band tee. Something about them are so chic/trendy yet so effortless. If I could wear one outfit for the rest of my life, it would be cutoff shorts, converse and a band tee. Hands down. It’s such an easy way to look pulled together in seconds, plus it’s just as comfy as wearing yoga pants…sold.

I’ve amassed quite a few over the years and have become pretty loyal to Daydreamer and Chaser. Occasionally I find some cute ones from other (cheaper) brands, but they are never as soft and perfectly fitting as these.

First up is this Daydreamer Guns N Roses Tee in Mustard. I LOVE this t-shirt and wear it all the time…even in freezing temps. It looks so cute with a leather jacket and equally as cute with a long cardigan. Mustard yellow is so in right now and bonus, it’s on sale.


Mustard Tee (wearing a small)


Army Rolling Stones Tee (wearing medium)

Ok, this Daydreamer Rolling Stones Tee is life. It’s kinda hard to tell, but it’s a very muted Army Green which is my second favorite color next to black. The colors are so great, the shirt is so soft (think Pajamas). I’m wearing a medium and honestly could have worn the small too. I just prefer an oversized look and I’m always worried about shrinkage.


Similar Tee (wearing small)

Hi Tugboat! He’s wondering what the hell I’m doing and honestly, can you blame him? Ok, this Chaser Def Leppard Tee is soooo good too. It’s super soft and is seriously the perfect shade of grey. Plus it has a Leppard on it, so I pretty much had to buy it. Here’s the thing, I can’t find the T-shirt in stock anywhere…I got mine at a Free People store. However, I did find the same print in a tank! Which is equally if not more amazing. Would it be weird have both?


Distressed Tiger Tee (wearing a medium)

Ok, I’ll spare you anymore but I had to share with you my newest addition to my collection. I know it’s not a band tee, but it’s equally as cool and I.CAN’T.TAKE.IT.OFF. It’s got a huge tiger face, distressing in all the right places, and splatter paint. Hot pink splatter paint. It’s like Chaser knew me and created this shirt just for me. I’m wearing a medium but again, could have gone with the small.

Happy Hump Day Friends. Today my goal for myself is to NOT have a glass of wine before 3pm. If I can make it to 3:30, I’ll reward myself with 2 glasses. And maybe a tequila shot.

Move your A$$ Monday (on Tuesday)

After being out of school for an entire week, my kids headed back today which was both bliss and a lot little stressful. It’s always hard to get back in a routine and this morning was no exception. Lincoln ended up going to school in a butterfly costume, with a princess crown, carrying a stuffed animal (none of which is allowed). Great Mom award definitely goes to me. #notabovebribes, #sorryteachers Anyway, after a week of traveling (eating out) and entertaining my kids all day (eating out), it was time to get my ass back in gear. Here’s the workout I did today. You should do it too. Your swimsuit will thank you later.

5 Rounds

20 Jumping Lunges

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Spider Mans

20 Straight Leg Sit-ups

20 Air Squats (each with a 3 second pause in the bottom)

And because my eating habits have gone to complete shit over the last week, here’s a healthy meal idea for you. One I love and eat weekly. Plus it’s 5 ingredients and could not be easier. #traderjoeshack

IMG_8703 2.jpg


Brown your ground turkey, seasoned with salt & pepper. Set aside. Meanwhile, roast broccoli in a 425 degree oven for 20 minutes, seasoned with salt, pepper and some olive oil. Add frozen carrot spirals to the same pan you cooked the turkey and cook according to package directions. When almost done, add however many frozen peas you want to the carrots. When everything is heated thru, add back the cooked ground turkey, roasted broccoli and add some Trader Joes Almond Butter Turmeric salad dressing…trust me on this. Just enough to coat everything. And that’s it. Easy and Delish.

Have a great Tuesday Gang! The week is all downhill from here. Or is it uphill?





American Eagle and Target Try On

Happy Monday Friends! I know we usually come at you with a workout on Monday, but for today, we were thinking of something slightly more fun. You can expect a workout and a healthy meal idea tomorrow, although we all know you’re probably just gonna do Taco Tuesday….I usually do. But there’s always Wednesday right?

FIRST, how cute is this top? I have a strong love for off the shoulder shirts and hunter green, so basically this was made for me. It’s a super soft, thick yet lightweight material and the sleeves don’t ride up! It’s cropped but not so much to where it shows the tacos you ate for lunch. Unless that’s your thing, and then you can bunch it up a little more. #versatileAF Perfect top for Spring and I’m kind of hoping they make it in a million more colors. It fits tts and I’m in a small.

Top   Jeans

NOW, those high waisted leggings are quite possibly the most comfy jeans I’ve ever owned! They are super stretchy and fit like a glove. They don’t stretch out after wearing them all day and BONUS, they’re high wasted so they hold in that dreadful mom pooch which I’m pretty sure is here for the remainder of forever. These fit tts.

SECOND, these white high waisted jeggings. I’m a little (a whole freaking lot) obsessed with these. I’ve never had good luck finding white jeans that didn’t show allllllll the things. These fit like a glove, not see through, have my favorite knee cutouts, and have cute cutout detail on the bottom. I’m pretty sure I’ll be living in these all of spring and I’m pretty sure you need to as well. These also fit tts.

Top     White Jeans

AND THEN, there’s these Jeans. These are my staples and I wear them allll the time. Like almost too often to where people probably question if I wash them. The button up look is so cute and they’re also stretchy so they fit like a glove. I own these in 2 different sizes just in case I eat too much pizza. You need these. Really, you do. Fit: tts

Jeans   Top is old, Target

ON TO TARGET!! This crop…simple, comfy, loose fitting, and the color SCREAMS summer. Which I’m ready for. Immediately. I know not everyone can dig a good crop top, but if they’re your jam, you’re going to need this one in your life. This one runs a little on the small size, so I would suggest sizing up one. I’m in a medium AND it’s important to note that the color online is much lighter than it looks in person.

Top    Jeans   Wedges

The wedges you see in that pic are also from Target and also equally as amazing! The gray color is neutral and goes with everything, plus they’re suuuuper soft and comfy! For $35 you really can’t beat them. These run tts.

Finally this tee. It’s pretty much McDonalds because I’M LOVIN IT!! Seriously, the look, the feel, the fit, all of it. The material is so soft and it’s really lightweight. I love the loose fit and the cute little pocket sets it apart from your average basic tee. I love it so much I’ve already gone back to get it in mustard and white. The best part?? It comes in tons of colors and it’s only $8! #WINNING I would suggest sizing up in this one as well if you want the baggier look. I’m in a small.

Top   Jeans   Wedges

That’s it for today. How on earth is it already “husband back to work day?” Dammit.

Five on Friday


The kids in Park City, UT have it made. The parents, however, do not. It seems like every other week they are out of school for some reason or another and this entire week is “winter break.” Not to be confused with Spring Break, which they get in a few weeks. Ughh. In an effort to break up the boring, we headed to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium. It’s a short drive from Park City and the kids really love it. The penguins are the cutest ever and the 4D Movies entertain the kids and give me half an hour to zone the eff out.



Have you guys seen the new line at TargetCravings by Chrissy Teigen?? I was in this week and it caught my eye and it’s seriously so great. The serveware is legit and looks so much more expensive than it is. Here are a few favs.


Oval Serving Tray


Spoon Rest


Umm, yes please Frenchie Salt & Pepper Shakers


Acacia Salad Serving Set

It’s all in my cart. You’re killing me Target.


My kids can be a real Pain in the A$$ when it comes to eating. And sometimes I just don’t have time to fight them or sit at the table and count bites for an hour. I’m always looking for new ideas. Trader Joes to the rescue…again. Both of these are quick and easy and require pretty much nothing of me. Oh and the best part, they’ll actually eat it without threats. Yippee!



While I wouldn’t want to live there for various reasons (mostly b/c it’s so freaking cold), I do love Bozeman, MT. It’s such a fun town, great for families. The kids are totally free range and are welcome pretty much anywhere. If you ever have a chance to visit, do it. It’s beautiful. Two things I’m missing about Bozeman:


  1. Sitting in a bar with my husband, having a beer, kids entertaining themselves in the background. If you’ve ever visited Utah, this is not allowed until your kids are 21. So dumb.
  2. Nachos and Beer from Map Brewing. If you’re ever in Bozeman, this is a must do. These nachos were some of the best I’ve ever had, and I’ve had a lot of nachos over the years. Totally worth the tight pants.



You need these. The end.

Wallet   Makeup Bag

The keychain is currently not in stock, but follow Daisy Rose Bags on Instagram for restock notices.

Happy Weekend Gang!

Leopard Love


Booties  Similar Slippers  Sneakers

It’s no secret I love leopard print. All kinds really. But there’s nothing I love more than rockin’ a pair of leopard print shoes. They make my boring outfit look put together and stylish and for that, I’m forever indebted. It’s such a perfect neutral…don’t be afraid to try it. No matter what my husband anyone says, it will always be in style and it’s always the right choice.

But the real star of this show are the amazing leopard print sneakers. Let’s back up a bit though and let me tell you how I ended up with these. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen or heard of Golden Goose Sneakers. Try not to faint when you see the price tag. It’s part of the dirty shoe trend, which I think is kinda dumb, but I’ve always been enamored with these. No matter who was wearing them or what they were wearing them with, they always look good. They always make the outfit better. So naturally, I wanted some. And then I found out how much they cost. For shoes that come dirty. Well most days, I actually like my life and I knew that if Garrett caught wind I was researching $500+ dollar dirty sneakers, that would be the end of me. He would kill me, literally. But that did not keep me from obsessing, scouring sales and trying to find some that were slightly less shocking in price. I was on Instagram one day and saw a blogger feature these Shein Dupes. I had to do a double take when I first saw them…they look so much like the real thing. But they’re not, and that’s ok, b/c they are LESS THAN $25. Shein is offering free shipping right now too, so you’re investment in a pair of trendy kicks is super minimal. Definitely read the reviews and size up, but these are honestly the cutest sneakers and seem to be super comfortable so far. I’m a fan and now want these and these.


So if you’re completely nuts like me and love these shoes and can’t find the courage to buck up for the real deal or you just don’t want to have your life taken away from you by your husband…get these sneakers. For the price, you can’t go wrong.

Happy Thursday Gang. Day 4 of just me and my kids. Pray for me.