Move your A$$ Monday (on Tuesday)

After being out of school for an entire week, my kids headed back today which was both bliss and a lot little stressful. It’s always hard to get back in a routine and this morning was no exception. Lincoln ended up going to school in a butterfly costume, with a princess crown, carrying a stuffed animal (none of which is allowed). Great Mom award definitely goes to me. #notabovebribes, #sorryteachers Anyway, after a week of traveling (eating out) and entertaining my kids all day (eating out), it was time to get my ass back in gear. Here’s the workout I did today. You should do it too. Your swimsuit will thank you later.

5 Rounds

20 Jumping Lunges

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Spider Mans

20 Straight Leg Sit-ups

20 Air Squats (each with a 3 second pause in the bottom)

And because my eating habits have gone to complete shit over the last week, here’s a healthy meal idea for you. One I love and eat weekly. Plus it’s 5 ingredients and could not be easier. #traderjoeshack

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Brown your ground turkey, seasoned with salt & pepper. Set aside. Meanwhile, roast broccoli in a 425 degree oven for 20 minutes, seasoned with salt, pepper and some olive oil. Add frozen carrot spirals to the same pan you cooked the turkey and cook according to package directions. When almost done, add however many frozen peas you want to the carrots. When everything is heated thru, add back the cooked ground turkey, roasted broccoli and add some Trader Joes Almond Butter Turmeric salad dressing…trust me on this. Just enough to coat everything. And that’s it. Easy and Delish.

Have a great Tuesday Gang! The week is all downhill from here. Or is it uphill?





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